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Ron Paul, the antipothead

Ron Paul, the antipothead

The great Ron Paul gave a fantastic speech recently at the Mises Institute’s 40th anniversary celebration.  Over the course of almost 40 minutes, Dr. Paul took the audience down memory lane with story after story from his time in Congress and from...
Ten drug warrior cops with sledgehammers ????

Ten drug warrior cops with sledgehammers ????

A major step forward in the fight for decriminalization of cannabis was actually started by a bunch of overzealous drug warriors. Everyone knows that cannabis can serve a wonderful tool for pain relief.  It is regularly used by the sickest cancer and...
Suicide by cannabis prohibition

Suicide by cannabis prohibition

Two high school friends liked to smoke weed together.   After school or on the weekends, they would hang out, burn some trees, and ride skateboards.  They naturally grew apart post graduation, but both continued puffing the magic dragon. Friend #1...
Guess what made me applaud for some cops

Guess what made me applaud for some cops

What up! More often than not, when talking about cops in this email, it’ll be to condemn them for behavior that would be considered criminal in any other context. The vast majority of the time, instead of solving & preventing actual violent crimes...
Ron Paul, the antipothead

Louisiana is going the way of California

What up! There are states people are moving to in droves, and there are states which are being abandoned by anyone with the financial resources to do so. California is always the first state that leaps to mind as an example of the latter, but the Empire...